Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't been posting! Been a busy few months for me. But, I have some quick reviews to keep you up to date on the movies that I've seen.

The Karate Kid

This was a surprise for me. I got the opportunity to see this with my much younger siblings and two of my very good friends. I didn't expect it to be that great. But I can honestly say that this was the biggest surprise of the summer for me. Will Smith taught Jayden well. He's a great kid with a lot of promise. Jackie Chan was good as ever, playing a new sort of character. He was very stern and not as fun and playful, which is good to see some variation out of him. Overall I enjoyed the movie a lot and was very impressed with the parallels between it and the original film starring Ralph Macchio.

Score: 8/10

Knight and Day

A very fun summer-blockbuster style film. I made the mistake of trying to compare this with Killers walking into the theatre. Trust me, they are two separate entities! I will tell you that Killers wins in the comedy area, but Knight and Day takes the cake for action. Though it was very funny, there just weren't as many moments. If you're looking for a fun, sexy spy film that doesn't involve James Bond with explosions, car chases, and shoot-outs galore, Knight and Day is for you!

Score: 8.4/10


There's not too much I can say about this film besides...WOW! Christopher Nolan is, to me, the Alfred Hitchcock of our generation. With films like Memento and The Prestige, he's proved his genius in both writing and directing. I couldn't see how he could do any better. And, as always, he impresses me further! I'm one to love complex films that make me think. Inception blew my mind. Nolan worked on this film for 10 years. Cameron worked on Avatar for 15. Inception blew it out of the water. The special effects and acting were fantastic. And not only were the elements of the story so well constructed, they were all part of a beautiful piece of work! Applause to you Christopher Nolan.

Score: 9.8/10

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

This was my second favorite movie of the year so far, hands down. Michael Cera is definitely not one of my favorite actors, but it's hard not to love the guy. He's funny and I love video games, so that compelled me to see the film. I walked in expecting video game references and awkward humor, but I got soooo much more. The entire movie was very cleverly written and filmed, with Scott even having a pee bar emptying as he was emptying himself. There were so many great omages and references to things beyond my time and that's what makes it so enjoyable. Anyone could love the movie! It's definitely a cult hit and one of my favorites!

Score: 9/10